


Upcoming Posts:
- Life's Unexpected CurveBalls +_+
- Major (Uber Belated) Haul


Thursday, March 22, 2012

M.I.A. Update

Holla Chicas,

Long time no see ^_^

It's been almost 4 months since my last post,
and I would like to update you guys
about my absence.

However, before that,
a huge virtual {{HUG}} to everyone
who has supported AND still supports me during this difficult time :)

I'll be replying to those supportive messages ASAP!



First of all, allow me to clarify that I didn't fall off the edge of the planet
(or rather Blogger, YouTube, Twitter, FaceBook)
just for the heck of it.

As I mentioned in the Bulletin Box above,
Life, with its odd sense of humour,
decided to throw me a curveball.

In my case, it's health-related
and no, I'm not going to drop dead from it any time soon :p
(...well, I may drop dead from some OTHER reason...HA!...).

However, it takes a mighty toll on me,
physically, mentally and emotionally,
even to this day.

Initally, it took every . ounce . of . strength .
just to function normally on an every day basis.

Let's just say I've paid more visits to the hospital in the span of 4 months
than the past 5 years combined :O

I'm not out of the woods YET,
but I've improved sufficiently to continue my online activities to a certain extent ^_~

All of a sudden I have this influx of Blog Post ideas! >.<

- "How I Coped with Beauty-Related Issues" (the past 4 months)
- "How I Realised the Redundancy of some Items in my Stash" (look out for a Massive Blog Sale!)
- "18 Turning 36" (^_^) I found this photo of myself at 18, and since I'm now 36... (O_~)

and the usual HAULS, REVIEWS, etc

Until my next Blog Post... *blows kiss*


  1. Hun, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis 4 years ago. It has taken me 4 years to achieve clinical remission, something 99% of RA patients never to. But my health problems caused the end of my 16 year relationship because my partner could not cope with my illness and the aftermath. Good luck to you!

  2. *Big hug* helloo sue lynn! I am glad to see you back. I hope that you continue to improve! Good luck with it!

  3. I am glad you are back :) I hope you are feeling better now

  4. hope you are doing well!
    we miss your posts!!!!

  5. Hello!! :D Welcome back!! :)

    I hope you fully recover soon! Good luck <3

  6. You're back :) and I hope you are feeling better :(... ahh life....

  7. Get well soon! Looking forward to reading your posts soon:)

  8. I hope you'll get better really soon, Sue-Lynn!!! It's good to have you back in the blogging matters and these future post ideas sound great! Take care of yourself!!!

    P.S. This is Suki (from kawaiisukisuki.com), I changed blogs (new one: macaronette.blogspot.com) ^_^
