


Upcoming Posts:
- Life's Unexpected CurveBalls +_+
- Major (Uber Belated) Haul


Monday, November 22, 2010

Review: GEO Circle Lenses (Part 1) Honey Wing, Fresh Brown, Nudy, BC-101

Note 1: If my eye makeup and undereye concealer seem neither here nor there, try inserting and removing 5 pairs of lenses between running to the loo for best lighting. Nuff said.

Note 2: If I seem cross-eyed, I probably am. Try inserting and removing 5 pairs of lenses for the SECOND time between running to the loo for best lighting AGAIN because the genius in me forgot to take photos with FLASH! Nuff Nuff said.

Please read THIS if you wear or intend to wear circle lenses for more than 3 hours, especially the part on LENS BASE CURVE and ASTIGMATISM.
...You're blessed with ONLY one pair of eyes...
...Treasure Your Vision...
FYI, I wear these thrice a week at most, and never more than 5 hours (if that) at one time.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

BlogSale Batch 3

And Blog Sale Batch 3 is up.

Click right HERE!

Thank you!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sephora F&F 2010 Haul & Short Reviews

Most of the time, if I were lemming for certain items available only in the States, I would purchase them via Ryan at http://www.sgdrugstore.com/. (e.g. you can see them in my other haul posts)

HOWEVER, the Sephora Friends &Family 2010 (well, actually, every Sephora F&F) is such a highly-anticipated event, with makeup junkies filling their virtual shopping carts days before the actual sale, my paranoid-self made me seek out my shopping angel in the States just so she could submit my orders (along with hers) the MOMENT the discount code became active ^_^ Let's just say some items go OOS real quick!

*hugs & kisses - you know who you are*

I received my package today YAY! And I'm glad to report that I'm immensely happy with most of the items ^_^

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fragrances I Love...At The Moment...

My body's chemistry is...weird...Especially when it comes to green/citrus/ozone scents (Get To Know Perfume Families here).

Most of these green/citrus/ozone fragrances turn me into a walking bottle of lime/lemon-scented dish-washing liquid T_T Oh, sure they smell awesome on strips of paper, but upon contact with my skin, I whip out my hand sanitiser within 30 minutes to scrub them off...Yup - Issey Miyake L'Eau D'Issey, Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue, Burberry Sport, etc. Blleerrghh...

Which is why, if you care to scrutinise the notes of my current favourite fragrances, when citrus notes are present, they will always be somehow combined with sweet, fruity and/or gourmand notes - to tone down the sharp citrus notes, so to speak.

So, look up reviews for these fragrances in MUA, the ratings might be pretty darn low...Oh well...Whatever works, works... ^_~

And whenever possible, I'll purchase 30 mls flacons. Kudos to those who could actually finish a flacon, not to mention 3-4!

Note: I didn't mention anything about sillage because I don't find that important. As long as it stays on ME, I'm happy. I'm not a snail that needs to leave a trail behind nor do I want to "mark" my territory ^_^