


Upcoming Posts:
- Life's Unexpected CurveBalls +_+
- Major (Uber Belated) Haul


Thursday, March 22, 2012

M.I.A. Update

Holla Chicas,

Long time no see ^_^

It's been almost 4 months since my last post,
and I would like to update you guys
about my absence.

However, before that,
a huge virtual {{HUG}} to everyone
who has supported AND still supports me during this difficult time :)

I'll be replying to those supportive messages ASAP!



First of all, allow me to clarify that I didn't fall off the edge of the planet
(or rather Blogger, YouTube, Twitter, FaceBook)
just for the heck of it.

As I mentioned in the Bulletin Box above,
Life, with its odd sense of humour,
decided to throw me a curveball.

In my case, it's health-related
and no, I'm not going to drop dead from it any time soon :p
(...well, I may drop dead from some OTHER reason...HA!...).

However, it takes a mighty toll on me,
physically, mentally and emotionally,
even to this day.

Initally, it took every . ounce . of . strength .
just to function normally on an every day basis.

Let's just say I've paid more visits to the hospital in the span of 4 months
than the past 5 years combined :O

I'm not out of the woods YET,
but I've improved sufficiently to continue my online activities to a certain extent ^_~

All of a sudden I have this influx of Blog Post ideas! >.<

- "How I Coped with Beauty-Related Issues" (the past 4 months)
- "How I Realised the Redundancy of some Items in my Stash" (look out for a Massive Blog Sale!)
- "18 Turning 36" (^_^) I found this photo of myself at 18, and since I'm now 36... (O_~)

and the usual HAULS, REVIEWS, etc

Until my next Blog Post... *blows kiss*