...Where I Can Be Deeply Superficial...
Just Me...

- Sue Lynn
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Skincare Layering Mistakes
Hi everyone,
Today I'd like to blog about
Skincare Layering... NO-NOs!
Well, 2 Major No-Nos, actually...
And both concern INGREDIENTS.
I know it's all the fad these days
to layer skincare products for "optimum" results.
One elixir boosting results of the next serum...
which in turn enhances results of the following concentrate...
optimizing what every product is capable of.
An elixir to enhance A...
a serum to prevent problem B...
a concentrate to address problem C.
All bases covered, man! ^_^
And voila! The "Perfect" skin regiment.
(google "Skincare Layering" and the list goes on and on like the Energizer rabbit :P)
I guess the all elusive "Perfect" skin regiment is achievable.
IF you do it RIGHT.
Do it WRONG, the worst enemy of your skin is YOU :O
Listen to YOUR skin - not a magazine article's, a blogger's (ahem :P) or your BFF's.
Today I'd like to blog about
Skincare Layering... NO-NOs!
Well, 2 Major No-Nos, actually...
And both concern INGREDIENTS.
I know it's all the fad these days
to layer skincare products for "optimum" results.
One elixir boosting results of the next serum...
which in turn enhances results of the following concentrate...
optimizing what every product is capable of.
An elixir to enhance A...
a serum to prevent problem B...
a concentrate to address problem C.
All bases covered, man! ^_^
And voila! The "Perfect" skin regiment.
(google "Skincare Layering" and the list goes on and on like the Energizer rabbit :P)
I guess the all elusive "Perfect" skin regiment is achievable.
IF you do it RIGHT.
Do it WRONG, the worst enemy of your skin is YOU :O
MISTAKE #1 - Not TRULY Layering "Light to Heavy"
It's general knowledge that we need to layer products
from "Light to Heavy".
Unfortunately, we usually take it to mean only
the products' consistencies/textures.
(Light watery essences/serums to Heavier lotions/creams/balms).
However, we tend to forget one thing: INGREDIENTS.
Take into account that oil and water do not mix.
Source: www.utahpersonalinjurylawfirm.com |
Layer a $ mid-range oil-based serum beneath
3 $$$ luxury-range water-based miracle elixirs,
you might as well flush those $$$ elixirs down the toilet,
for they will not be absorbed -_-
Note: FYI, I HAVE encountered oil-based products which feel incredibly light,
if you must know...
Bottom Line:
Layer water-based products under oil-based products
- This mistake is relatively easy to spot for it's immediate.
You could literally feel the layers sitting on the skin.
MISTAKE #2 - Overdoing it
"Oh, 10 products!?!? You're overdoing it, woman!"
Ahem - contrary to popular believe,
it is POSSIBLE to "overdo" layering with just 2-3 products =_=
Yet again, it's all in the...
INGREDIENTS! (Main Active Ingredient, to be exact)
Admit it, ladies...
We do so love slapping on anti-aging products to slow down the inevitable, no?
Even better, if the product claims to miraculously reverse the damage!
Wrinkles, begone!
Bring it on, retinoids ~_~
Slough off those disgusting flakies...
Accelerate skin cell turn over.
Man, lurve hydroxy acids O_o
Did you know that synthetic retinoids should NEVER be paired with
hydroxy acids (glycolic, lactic, and salicylic are the most common forms of these)?
An acid-based moisturizer in the morning and
an exfoliating cream at night.
You run the risk of inflaming your skin.
These . skin . lethal . combos . make . your . skin . more . vulnerable . to . UV . damage.
Bottom Line:
Do NOT use two anti-aging exfoliants in a row.
- Unfortunately, unlike Mistake #1, unless your skin is sensitive and turns a flaming red,
this mistake could go unspotted until long-term damage is done T_T
Less is More, just like cosmetics.
Listen to YOUR skin - not a magazine article's, a blogger's (ahem :P) or your BFF's.
Use only what you NEED, not "SHOULD" (as dictated by the 3 above mentioned parties ^_^)
Until the next post, <3!
Until the next post, <3!
Product - SkinCare,
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Surgery: Paging for Pepper Uppers!
Hi everyone,
I'm sorry it's been close to 2 months since my last Blog Post
announcing my pseudo-comeback...
And now, popping up with yet another Whine-y Non-Beauty-Related Post...
If you can’t stand whining, fair warning.
The little “X” button is right up there.
In a little less than 2 weeks,
I’ll be undergoing surgery -->
Source: Medical Staffing Networks |
and thereafter, be out of commission for approximately a month -->
Source: toonclips.com |
My previous surgery was around 2000/2001.
Very minor...
Short recovery time...
Incision site did not hamper my mobility.
This time round,
the incision is at a very different site...
mobility will be somewhat compromised...
ALSO, post-surgery bleeding…
‘Nuff said T_T
Don’t . Get . Me . Wrong
I know for a fact thousands... millions... undergo surgery
under MUCH much MuCh worse circumstances than mine.
Thus, let me get this clear:
I’m . NOT . Fishing . for Sympathy .
However, I do feel disheartened that
this has to crop up when my M.I.A. Update issues
are yet to be resolved =_=
So, Yay for me.... Pfffttttttt.....
I would really appreciate it
if you, Dear Readers,
take the time to leave a Pepper-Upper…
a Prayer...
or if you prefer, an Inspirational Quote from someone…
in the Comment section below.
They would mean A LOT to me
‘til the next post,
* blows kiss * ^_^
Thursday, March 22, 2012
M.I.A. Update
Holla Chicas,
Long time no see ^_^
It's been almost 4 months since my last post,
and I would like to update you guys
about my absence.
However, before that,
a huge virtual {{HUG}} to everyone
who has supported AND still supports me during this difficult time :)
I'll be replying to those supportive messages ASAP!
First of all, allow me to clarify that I didn't fall off the edge of the planet
just for the heck of it.
As I mentioned in the Bulletin Box above,
Life, with its odd sense of humour,
decided to throw me a curveball.
decided to throw me a curveball.
In my case, it's health-related
and no, I'm not going to drop dead from it any time soon :p
(...well, I may drop dead from some OTHER reason...HA!...).
However, it takes a mighty toll on me,
physically, mentally and emotionally,
even to this day.
Initally, it took every . ounce . of . strength .
just to function normally on an every day basis.
Let's just say I've paid more visits to the hospital in the span of 4 months
than the past 5 years combined :O
I'm not out of the woods YET,
but I've improved sufficiently to continue my online activities to a certain extent ^_~
All of a sudden I have this influx of Blog Post ideas! >.<
- "How I Coped with Beauty-Related Issues" (the past 4 months)
- "How I Realised the Redundancy of some Items in my Stash" (look out for a Massive Blog Sale!)
- "18 Turning 36" (^_^) I found this photo of myself at 18, and since I'm now 36... (O_~)and the usual HAULS, REVIEWS, etc
Until my next Blog Post... *blows kiss*
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